
What parents say about us

Both of my boys (now age 7 & 4) attended this preschool from age 2.5 to 5. The school does not require kids to be potty trained before attending school and the teachers take care of diaper changing for little ones, which provides great convenience for busy parents like us. Both my boys learned to follow directions and respect teachers soon after joining the school. The school also emphasizes on academic learning both on language and math skills. At age 3.5 to 4, both of my boys have completed phonics for all the letters and can read simple sentences themselves. They can also count to 100 and do simple addition and subtraction before age 4.5. In recent years the school enhanced the afternoon care by adding more toys/games and reading and group activity time for all kids stay after 3pm. we do feel that the teachers in this school, leading by Principle Miss Ann, love each kid and care about their safety and growth as much as we parents do.

– Joshua & Justin Xu

A good friend of ours whose children had attended SCM (about 12 years ago) recommended the school to us. Even so we visited some 15 schools in the area. What impressed us most on our visit was seeing children in class and on the playground engaging in all kinds of activities or working on their own, and in tremendous harmony. Lots of fun and activity but without the frenetic, chaotic energy we witnessed in some other schools or the other extreme, a sort of overly regimented approach to their activities. Seeing the teachers interact with the children you know why. Ms. Abellera sets the standard. She and her staff, in addition to being expert in teaching young children and guiding them through new experiences, are warm, loving and compassionate. Our little boy had a tough time adjusting to school and spent the first week or so in Ms. Karla’s lap. They gave our son the attention he needed while encouraging him to take on new challenges. We watched him bloom in just a few weeks. He’s learning so much! While a lot of schools claim to be Montessori, I’ve noticed they work to push activities or experiences on the kids. Like a “power” Montessori, which is not how it’s supposed to work. We’ve seen how Ms. Abellera and her staff genuinely work within the principles of Montessori to meet each child where they are and encourage their growth from there. Our son loves his school, runs up to the gate when we get there in the morning and talks about it when he comes home. It is incredible peach of mind for me to feel 100% confident about his first school experience.

– Ines & Cesar Poza

Southern California Montessori School (SCMS) was recommended to me from a co-worker who absolutely loved the school. I scheduled an appointment to take a tour and decided to put my daughter on the waiting list. I started coming to SCMS in June 2002 when my daughter was 2 1/2. Nine years and three kids later, I am still at the school where my 4th child will be graduating in June 2011. The school and facilities are older but the love, care and teaching that the staff provides can not be matched. I actually took my 3rd child out of SCMS in May 2008 due to the teachers alerting me to his need for speech therapy. Although I work in Century City (close to the school), we actually live in Torrance and the Torrance School district offered free service so I needed him to be closer to home in order to see a speech therapist during the day. I signed him up at a Torrance pre-school from a recommendation of a friend. The pre-school was more modern with very nice facilities but I felt the care just wasn’t as good as SCMS. For example, my kids’ lunches would come home barely touched, you couldn’t provide them warm meals and rather than talking o you about your child when you drop them off or pick up, the teachers would be too busy socializing among themselves. But safety is of utmost importance and when my son came home with a nig bump and gash on his head without the school alerting me or even knowing what happened … that was the last straw! I called up Ms. Abellera immediately to beg her to let us back into her school. My 4th child also started at the pre-school in Torrance. Although the teachers were really sweet to him, he learned that if he cried, he would get his way. He became very hard to handle due to being spoiled at the school. We transferred him to SCMS in March 2009, Ms. Abellera and Mrs. Fulton worked with him everyday to get him to stop crying when he didn’t get his way. They also offered me plenty of tips and advice on how to work with him at home so we were all consistent and on the same page. I can’t thank them enough for turning him around where he’ll actually eat his lunch without a fuss, share toys, wait for his turn and listen to rules and instructions. He’s not a perfect angle but his demeanor has improved 110%. My 3 year older kids who have graduated from the school are now 11, 7 and 6 and love to come and visit their teachers who are all still there. When they all entered Kindergarten in Torrance public school by our home, they were all academically advanced for their age due to stellar teaching SCMS provided. Since the school is smaller, each child truly gets individual attention. The staff is able to bring out each child’s strengths and make them flourish as well as work on their weaknesses and improve them. I truly LOVE the school and its entire staff. When my last child graduated in June, 2011, I will greatly miss the school but will definitely recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone who will listen to me.

– Ingrid Kim

We are so pleased with your school. You have figured out the perfect combination of play, structured activities, learning and enrichment. Our son, Russell, is thriving. Often times, when we pick him up, he gives me a great big hug and then asks if he can stay longer. Russell is responding well to the Montessori approach to learning and social development. When he gets home he likes drawing, coloring, and practicing his letters at the kitchen table for extended periods of time. At school, Russell is learning about respect, sharing, and conflict resolution – life skills that are essential in his well being and happiness. We love reading the notes Miss Jennifer sends home about his lessons. He’s also quite fond of the computer class and often wants to sing a little song the students learned about how a computer starts up. With our busy household of two working parents and a young baby, we appreciate the skills he is learning at school to become self-sufficient. I watch him push in his own desk chair, pour himself water and cleanup his own granola bar crumbs with a broom and dust pan! Thank you for your involvement and interest in Russell. It will be hard to move on to a new school for kindergarten next year but we know that he’s had the best in preschool care and development.

– Laura & Zach Fisher

About 5 years ago my wife and I were looking for some form of childcare for our 6 year old boy. After thorough research we decided that the Montessori Method was the manner in which we would teach our children. We are very glad that we did! Our boy left Southern California Montessori as a boy of strong independence. He was able to do arithmetic, read and was very well mannered. They taught him to be polite, clean up after himself, and allowed him to take on projects that he was interested in. I am very proud to say that in 1st grade and kindergarten my child was very well prepared for school such that he is continually getting honors from his teachers and principal. I also have a daughter that is attending Southern California Montessori that is very independent and becoming very capable at anything she attempts. The best part of this program is that even with the extended care we pay about the same amount as if we sent her to a cheap home daycare or preschool. My wife and I would never think about sending our children anywhere else.

– Craig Poindexter

I have been at Southern California Montessori School since August of 2006. I interviewed over 20 preschools and knew immediately upon interviewing and observing that this was the preschool I had been looking for. I call it “THE SAFE HAVEN!” I never worry about my children there. Ms. Abellera has created this incredible group of teachers that have patience, kindness, respect, understanding and love for every child. My son started reading before 5 and now in 1st grade has been excelling in all areas of education. He is thriving in school. We presently have our daughter attending since 2009. I love the nurturing environment there. She wants to go early and stay late! Being a nurse for 20 years, it is important that hygiene and cleanliness are observed. It is in their daily practice that when they sneeze, after being outside or if their hands are dirty that the children wash their hands. The place is impeccably clean. The children are taught many life enhancement skills such as sharing, respect for others and patience. I love that all the holidays are celebrated. I love that they incorporate music with every holiday, also learning about different customs. Children are also given the opportunity to participate in learning piano, computer, yoga or gymnastics as extras. The high level of care each child is given is amazing. I trust everyone at Montessori. Ms. Abellera does parent conferences and helps support us raising our children. I am very happy with my children here. I give Southern California my highest recommendation.

– Mei Lani Renger

Alexander came to Southern California Montessori School after being at a “play-based” preschool for a year. We transferred him because although we thought the play-based method would be a great fit for an active young boy, it turned out to be basically a daycare center where there were no educators on site who had the slightest understanding of childhood development. Southern California Montessori has been a lifesaver, as we can see the results of all the learning and nurturing that Alex has received. The environment is structured as opposed to “free time, all the time” and he feels safe to express himself as well as what he is learning. We are confident that when the time comes for Alex to go to Kindergarten, he will be fully prepared not just for the academic challenges that lie ahead, but for the emotional transition that the next step toward independence brings.

– Darlene Conte

It is with the proud eyes of a parent and the experienced eyes of an educator that I welcome the opportunity to praise the Southern California Montessori School. Its director of many years, Ann Abellera remains, to this very day, one of the wisest and gifted teachers I have ever known. She is both a remarkable administrator and teacher. She knows how to speak to young children, and communicates beautifully with them. At the Southern California Montessori School, you will discover a place where every aspect of a child’s development is significant. Whether teaching the fundamental skills of early childhood development or helping a child’s self-confidence and courage, Ann and her dedicated staff of teachers are committed to giving their very best, all day long, day in and day out. When long-time graduates return to visit, it has been a source of great joy for them to be greeted by the same teachers who taught them so many years ago. Today, the same teachers are nurturing new students, preparing them to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await them. It has been a gift to watch this gem of a school thrive for so many wonderful years.

– Jennifer Golenternek

It hasn’t even been a year, but instantly we felt at home in this school and welcomed by this community. The teachers are kind, exude patience, consistently remain calm and really take the time to look at each student as an individual. The parents of fellow students are quick to greet with a smile and hello. The students are expected to demonstrate respect, consideration toward others and take an active role in their learning. SCM is truly special. I trust this school implicitly in serving as our partner in helping to raise our son into a solid, upstanding citizen with good moral character. This school develops the “whole student” and not just the academic aspect. By the way, the efforts and joy for holiday celebrations including the Valentine’s Day party, the Thanksgiving pageant and holiday pageant warms the heart of all parents – just another example of what makes SCM a jewel!

– A Happy SCM Parent

I think this is the best preschool in LA and I recommend it often to friends and neighbors. I trust Ann and her wonderful staff of teachers completely. They truly understand children – what they need and how to both support and challenge them. We found this school after my oldest son was having problems at a different preschool. My child was very different at home than he was at school. I was upfront about the issues we had with the prior school and was reassured that they “had seen everything” and could handle my son. Within weeks of him attending SCM, they had identified that he had motor delays – something the prior preschool did not pick up on after a year of attendance. They truly look at each child as an individual and because of this, they saw my son, not as a behavior problem, but as a child who was deeply frustrated and struggling. We were able to get him the interventions he needed because of their astute observations. Ann and her team changed my son’s life. My son remained there for 2 years and absolutely thrived! He was reading halfway through his 2nd year and was more than prepared for Kindergarten. The school worked with us to provide extra support for him and he blossomed from a frustrated preschooler who hated school into a boy who loved to learn and was curious and ready for new challenges. When it was time to send my second son to preschool, there was no question of where we would go. He is also thriving at SCM, learning to read and write, gaining a good understanding of numbers and obtaining important self-help and life skills. He loves it there and has made many friends. Ann and the other teachers really know how to bring out the best in each child. We are sad that we will be graduating this summer, but we will definitely be back. Our youngest will start at SCM in a year. We are confident that she will also thrive. This is truly a wonderful place for children!

– Heather Turner

My daughter has spent the last two years at Southern California Montessori School and she loves it! She made noticeable progress from the first week and has developed into a very independent, confident and well-rounded child with the support and encouragement from the teachers at SCMS. I am constantly having parents asking me about her because she is so well spoken and is so much more advanced than other kids her age. As a parent, I am also very happy with the school. Any time my husband or I have a question or concerns, Ms. Abellera is always available an happy to meet with us. Words cannot express how fortunate the children and parents are to have her as a Director/Teacher. I will often ask my daughter’s teachers how she is doing and what they are working on and they always encourage me to come and sit in during lesson time. They are always very organized in the lesson plan and have clear understanding of my daughter and her progress. Every day after school I ask my daughter, “How was your day?” She aways says, “Good!” and tells me what she worked on. Just to give you an idea of what she is learning, she recently told me in the car on the way home, “Mommy, I am reading four letter words now!” I highly recommend this school to anyone and everyone who is interested in higher learning for your child within a safe and loving environment.

– Sharon & David Richardson

Southern California Montessori has been a second home to us. The teachers genuinely get to know your child so that they feel safe and happy. The teachers are patient and treat every child with respect. The children are learning so much that you will be impressed every time you sit down with your child to see what they can do! The school offers such a perfect combination of learning and play. Our daughter is petite but we have been so thankful that she is not underestimated at this school. We have watched her become a very independent, smart and respectful little person at this school.

– Cathy Lee/Vikas Chopra

My husband and I have three children, ever since my oldest daughter attended the Southern California Montessori School for the first time in 2001; we fell in love with the school. We have continued to come to this school ever since then, my son studied there for 4 years and now my youngest daughter. The teachers are loving and caring. We drive over 20 miles from Torrance to attend the school. It is that much worth it to us. The small class size and school environment is just wonderful, there are a total of 40 kids at school which makes a close and tight relationship from the school family too! Our kids are confident when they graduate from the school and even now my older kids are excited to come back to school and visit.

– The Pengs

It is exciting to see the progress in our son as he works in all the areas of the Montessori Curriculum with the most appealing and inspiring equipment. Together with his academic achievements, his self-confidence has grown as he is guided positively in all social interactions.

– A Happy SCM Family

Southern California Montessori is L.A’s hidden gem. The incomparable teachers and staff manage to create a structured learning environment that still allows the children to explore their individuality. Yes, they’ve taught our son to read. But more importantly, he is genuinely happy there.

– John & Beth Sama

We are writing this letter on behalf of the Southern California Montessori School. Our child has been attending the school for 6 months and has had an extremely positive experience. The school is clean, well organized, and the teachers go above and beyond in caring for my son. After touring multiple schools in our area and choosing SCMS, we believe we made the smart, informed decision.

– Sandy & Jay Kridel

With wonderful teachers, a caring atmosphere, and true Montessori process, it’s easy to understand why after more than two years at SCMS we’ve never had our daughter tell us she doesn’t want to go to school today.

– Alan & Bill Rakov

My daughter Stella, started attending Southern California Montessori School over a year ago at the age of 2 1/2. Since starting SCMS, she is thriving socially, academically, creatively, physically, and emotionally. She looks forward to attending pre-school every day and comes home a happy child who is excited to share her daily activities with me.

– Erin Tippins

My daughter and I have been very happy at SCMS. What I think makes the school unique is the emphasis on early education and proper behavior. They don’t just allow the children to run wild; they teach responsibility and respect and, of course, still provide a hug when needed. The teachers are great and the director, Ann, is very easy to talk to.

– Deanne Ozaki

Ann and her staff are amazing. The improvements we have witnessed in our child both academically and emotionally surpassed our wildest expectations. The staff has a wealth of experience and knowledge that is truly unique and arguably unrepeatable. They help parents understand the children’s development and show the how to get intimately involved. This school is the true hidden gem of Los Angeles.

– Anil & Rashmi C.

Contact Us


Southern California Montessori School Inc.
(310) 820-3925

1430 South Centinela Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025
(Just South of Santa Monica Blvd.)
Driving Directions